This episode strikes me deep in the soul. Featuring special guest, Artist, dog lover and dog life advocate Lise Ellingsen. We discuss the current state of Norway’s dog laws and the actions that are in progress to change them for the better. Norway holds a very personal meaning to me as my blood linage runs deep and distant. My family and I still to this day hold true to our traditions and celebrate our Norwegian culture. However, something was brought to my attention recently about how the dog laws have evolved in this beautiful country.
If you would like more information about this topic and to share your voice in support of the re-development of Norway’s Dog Laws or show support for the individuals whom are currently fighting for their furry family members life, please visit the links below:
Link to where you can send suggestions to the new dog law:
NOAHs suggestion for a better law, step by step:
Link for the petition I created for an international audience:
Link to Teddy, the small dog:
Fundraising page:
Specific description of the case by my petition:
Link to Luk, the Alaskan Husky:
Fundraising page:
Facebook page:
The four innocent Pyrenees dogs
Fundraising page:
Facebook page: